In celebration of our national saint’s day, Tees Valley Rural Action and Redcar and Cleveland Voluntary Development Agency are delighted to announce the return of GrantFinder for voluntary sector organisations based and operating in Redcar and Cleveland.
Following the unexpected discontinuation of the previous GrantFinder portal, funded by the local authority, we have worked together since February this year with IDOX to find a route by which we could bring back this service to benefit the communities that we all support and serve.
The Redcar Fund Seekers portal, powered by IDOX GrantFinder, is an open, self-service grant portal that gives you access to the thousands of grant opportunities from national, regional and local funders from the public sector to private charitable foundations and corporate sponsors.
The portal is highly customisable to your needs and can be setup to find and send you funding opportunities that are just right for you, allowing you to slay the proverbial funding dragon and make sure that you’re only putting effort into those funding applications where you are most likely to be successful.
This is a free service, brought to you by a unique partnership of local infrastructure organisations, with the sole request that in order for us to continue to advocate for this free provision you share with us tales of your successful funding bids, as well as those that miss the mark, so we can advocate to funders as to how valuable this service is.
Following the success of the first round of funding from Tees Esk and Wear Valley (TEWV) NHS Trust, which focussed on the mental health challenges faced as a consequence of the Covid pandemic, we are delighted to announce a new round of one year funding for Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise, (VCSE) organisations in Stockton and Darlington to deliver projects which look to redesign and realign community mental health.
NHS England Community Mental Health Framework sets out its ambition and challenge to local providers to redesign and realign community mental health teams alongside primary care and voluntary sector services.
Funding for round 2 is centred around the core community mental health framework principles of which we would welcome bids in line with the following ethos to support our local communities to stay well. Funding applications will need to address one or more of the following:
Support local communities to stay well. This may include supporting individuals with conditions impacting their mental wellbeing or those who are currently in recovery.
Enable individuals to contribute to their local communities and be active participants.
Support transitions between services to reduce waiting times and allow for “warm transfers”. By this we mean actively supporting individuals to make initial links with, and access, other services where this would best meet their needs. Collaborative working across partners and organisations would be strongly welcomed.
Promote individuals supporting their physical and mental wellbeing
Improve quality of life especially in underrepresented groups or those with health inequalities.
Recognise the health inequalities of local populations and underrepresented groups to either access services or stay well within their local communities.
Projects and or services that are people led and demonstrate they have spoken to and involved local communities within the design of the activities the applicant is proposing.
Applicants can demonstrate they have drawn upon the infrastructure and strengths of the area it is working within and how it can add value.
Reduction in social isolation.
Provide a proactive outreach offer as well as in reach.
Deadline for applications is 5pm Thursday 29th September 2022 and applicants will be notified within 10 days of the closing date.
For VCSE organisations in Stockton on Tees please visit HERE or email using the title Resilience Funding – Round 2 – Staying Well.
We are super excited to announce that East Cleveland Villages Big Local has reviewed their development plan and are about to launch under a new name and new title. This means a rebrand to something everyone will come to know and recognise.
East Cleveland Villages Big Local is being renamed and will become East Cleveland Good Neighbours – Connecting Communities. Together with a new development plan for the area and new direction of travel for East Cleveland Good Neighbours – this is an exciting time for East Cleveland.
We believe that the change will be much easier for the community to connect with and relate to. The partnership team has worked with a consultant and engaged with the community to develop an easy-to-understand development plan with clear themes that will benefit the communities of East Cleveland. Following a period where COVID halted the progress of implementing the plan – now is the time to move forward.
To launch their new name, they would like to invite you to an event with a difference.
They are inviting community groups to come along and find out more and take part in a Chicken Soup event! At the event community groups will have the opportunity to pitch their ideas to the room audience who will then vote on their chosen cause. The winners of the vote will be awarded a grant of £500.
All we are asking is that community groups are working on the themes of our development plan and the delivery is in our allocated area of East Cleveland. On the launch evening we will be taking pitches from those working on our themes 2, 3, 4 and 5, see below for information.
The date of the event is 1st October at Loftus Community Hub CIC – Home of the East Cleveland Good Neighbours Food bank (The old Loftus Social Club, West Road, Loftus, TS13 4RG)
Groups will discover more about the themes over the next few weeks via their social media pages but for now the themes are:
Theme 1. Developing the skills and confidence of local people and organisations
Theme 2. Young People
Theme 3. Health and Well Being
Theme 4. Being neighbourly – Connecting Our Communities
Theme 5. Campaigning and Strong Local Voices
Also, on the evening there will be a market stall event to find out more about the themes and how community groups can get involved either as a delivery partner or to access funding.
What’s not to get involved with? …. This is your chance too network with other organisations in the local area, a chance to find out more about the plans for East Cleveland Good Neighbours – Connecting Communities moving forward and an opportunity for funding. We may even treat you all to some cake!!
The development of a grant application can be a tricky and overwhelming task. We have teamed up with Woodsmith Foundation to provide the background work that is required to start writing quality grant applications.
Our fun and interactive sessions will include a speaker from the Woodsmith Foundation (formerly Sirius Minerals Foundation) to ensure Redcar & Cleveland groups can produce quality applications to meet their funding guidelines.
This is your opportunity to meet the funder and develop your funding application skills. We will be detailing, tips and trips and do’s and don’ts. Giving you an opportunity to use case studies and develop your own applications on the day.
Over three separate dates and East Cleveland Venues. Each day is the same time. Registration from 9:30am, session is 10am-2pm. Lunch is provided.
26th July 2022 – Charltons Community Centre, TS12 3DA
18th August 2022 – Loftus Town Hall, Ts13 4HG – DATE CHANGED FROM 17th AUGUST
13th September 2022 – Liverton Village Hall, Ts13 4TB
Sometimes 1 day just isn’t enough we will be offering 1 to 1 tailored sessions to support your future funding applications. Once the face to face training sessions are completed an online highlight video will be available on our website.
To register your place please click here to secure your spot numbers depend on venue so please don’t miss out.
A new £4m programme aimed at reducing poverty and inequality through the growth of social economies has launched with a call-out to social entrepreneurs and organisations to get in touch with their business ideas.
LARCH, which stands for Local Access Redcar & Cleveland and Hartlepool, is part of a £33m enterprise development and blended social investment programme being jointly funded across the UK by Big Society Capital and Access – The Foundation for Social Investment.
It’s one of six areas to be chosen to receive a mix of support, grant funding and repayable investment to grow its local social enterprise and voluntary and community sector as part of efforts to increase prosperity, boost the local economy and ultimately, reduce inequality.
Local partners are now calling for anyone with a socially enterprising business idea – or an existing organisation that has potential to do more – within these two areas to register with LARCH to see how the funding and support can help.
Carol Botten, who is CEO of Voluntary Organisations Network North East (VONNE) and the independent chair of the LARCH Partnership Board, said the opportunity is unique because it’s designed to shift the social sector culture to one of self-sustainability: “The LARCH programme will support individuals and organisations at different stages of their enterprise journey, to develop ideas and business models through events, workshops, professional support and mentoring from other successful social entrepreneurs and organisations.
“In addition, organisations will be able to access small enterprise development grants and repayable finance to help them realise their idea or sustain or grow their existing earned income streams.”
“The programme will support organisations to become more enterprising, diversify and grow their income sources and in doing so enable them to deliver more impact for local people and communities in Redcar & Cleveland and Hartlepool. With the funding landscape growing ever more competitive, enabling organisations to be self-sustaining and resilient through earned income and the delivery of contracts and services, is key to building a diverse, vibrant and resilient community and social enterprise sector.”
A social enterprise is a business established to create positive social change – it must have a focus on economic success; however, it differs from other businesses in that the money generated is used to tackle its social aims rather than to reward the business owners or shareholders.
Peter Gowland, who is a director of Hartlepower and is one of the voluntary sector organisations helping represent LARCH in Hartlepool, said “We urge anyone with a social enterprise idea to take up the LARCH offer, which is not just about providing funding for your project – welcome though that is – but good quality, continuing support throughout your enterprise journey. Hartlepool has a very rich tradition of people coming together to meet local needs -LARCH could be just the tool people need to realise their ambitions.”
Peter Gowland – supporting partner on LARCH at Church St Hartlepool
Mike Milen, who is CEO of Redcar & Cleveland Voluntary Development Agency (RCVDA) is representing LARCH for Redcar and Cleveland, said: “Although we see a lot of positive economic news linked to Tees Works and the Redcar and Loftus Town Plans, this still remains a challenging time for many. We intend for LARCH to encourage and support the development of a complimentary social enterprise approach to regenerating Redcar & Cleveland.
Mike Milen -Supporting partner on LARCH at Redcar
“I would encourage anyone with ideas and a passion for the area to make contact. This is an opportunity for local people to lead on the development of services and products that can create employment and improve the local area.”
Ideas from organisations that qualify will be driven by social aims or goals, derive at least part of the income from trading, rather than from grant funding or donations, and will reinvest profits in the enterprise and its social aims.
Most often, social enterprises are set up to operate by directly addressing the social issue they aim to improve, for example a specialist cardiac rehabilitation service set up in response to the barriers faced by the local community in accessing the available NHS services.
However, they can also be profitable businesses which raise money to be used to tackle social issues, for example an accommodation letting agency purely to generate funds for a local charity.
Ms Botton said: “This is an opportunity to register at the earliest possible stages of LARCH; The process of recruiting a programme manager is currently in progress and we hope to announce that early in the New Year, followed by the launch of the LARCH website and development of the brand, to make it as accessible as possible to people.”
Interest is expected to be high – follow the link to register
If the answer is yes, or even if you want to think big please read on. Sirius Minerals Foundation has easily accessible funding for your community group or building to make this happen.
Sirius Minerals Foundation Open Grant Round – Climate Change
We are currently accepting applications for climate change action projects.
Sirius Minerals Foundation was established to provide a lasting legacy for the community, and this grant round is designed to address our objective to advance environmental protection and improvement including the enhancing of the local landscape.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
Margaret Mead, American cultural anthropologist
This grant round is specifically designed to enable local communities, schools and voluntary organisations in our area of benefit to undertake action on climate change. We are particularly interested in grassroots projects that galvanise community action and projects that increase the number of people taking action on climate change. This could be something that has been proven to work elsewhere, or it could be an innovative idea that you would like to test in your community. It could be a research or feasibility study to understand how your community buildings or activities could be more environmentally friendly. All we ask is that you tell us why you believe that your project will make a positive contribution to the achievement of our objectives, and what demonstrable outputs you expect.
We can fund projects for climate change awareness raising and education, mitigation of the effects of climate change, adaptation to the consequences of climate change, and feasibility studies. This grant round gives people who have an idea the resources to put it into action. We know not everything will work, but we are keen to support you to give something a go because we all need to take action on climate change. We can all play a part in looking after the world we love.
This grant round will see the Foundation spend up to £80,000 across Scarborough Borough, the North York Moors National Park and Redcar and Cleveland. Organisations can apply for grants of between £500 and £5,000. The grants can be used to buy something or to do something locally that will ultimately have positive climate benefits.
This grant round will close at 12pm on Monday 6th December 2021. Groups will be notified of the outcome by the end of February 2021. Funds must be spent by end of March 2023.
Please read the detailed eligibility criteria and application guidance if you are inspired to take local climate action at this time, available here
Application forms for this round can be found here
If you would like to have a look at the monitoring form that you will be asked to complete at the end of your project please click here. This is for information only at the application stage and should not be sent back with your application form.
Groups are encouraged to contact the Foundation to have an informal chat to discuss their application if they are not sure it fits the criteria for this funding round.
Open Grant Round – Children and Young People Time Together
Sirius Minerals Foundation are currently accepting applications for activities that build relationships between children and young people and give them time together. We would love communities and organisations to talk to their children and young people and find out how they would chose to spend time together having fun or doing something uplifting with their friends or peers – and then apply for funding from the Foundation to make it happen.
This grant round will see the Foundation spend up to £200,000 across Scarborough Borough, the North York Moors National Park and Redcar and Cleveland. Organisations can apply for grants of between £500 and £4,000. If you are a charity that is an umbrella organisation for multiple groups you can apply for a potentially larger grant to allow for each group at a separate location to benefit. Please contact us for a discussion before you start your application.
This grant round will close at 12pm on Sunday 31st October 2021. Groups will be notified of the outcome by 10th December 2021. Funds must be spent by end of December 2022.
Example of activity that could be funded:
Activities that give children and young people the opportunity to learn a new skills or have a new experience.
Informal learning opportunities provided through socialising with their friends or peers which might include one off events or a series of activities.
Events or activities that you cannot normally offer your children and young people because you do not have funding available.
Opportunities for children and young people who cannot travel to have something fun come to them.
Support costs for a child or young person to be able to access the opportunity you wish us to fund.
We would prefer to see programmes of activities rather than one off events, especially when they are structured to build longer term connections between children and young people. However, we are not ruling out one off events or activities – the priority is to build relationships between children and young people and give them time together.
Before applying please read the application criteria, available here
Application forms for this round can be found here
Groups are encouraged to contact the Foundation to have an informal chat to discuss their application if they are not sure it fits the criteria for this funding round.
TEWV- Mental Health Resilience Funding Opportunity
The impact of the COVID pandemic on our mental health and emotional well-being is becoming increasingly evident. Across the lifespan, we are seeing heightened rates of anxiety and low mood amongst the population. Many people have been living in fear of contracting the virus; and feelings of anxiety surrounding re-engaging with community life are understandable and very normal. For those who have been significantly unwell as a result of contracting COVID themselves or have lost a loved one to the virus, we may see specific trauma responses. Loneliness, social isolation and the lack of freedom and meaningful activity that the lockdowns have caused has posed challenges to our emotional well-being. Those amongst us who experienced pre-existing mental or physical health difficulties may have found that these have been exacerbated due to the pandemic; with those who have significant vulnerability, multiple disadvantage or living in abusive environments perhaps most at risk.
The pandemic has caused many of us to reflect on our own emotional well-being and what helps us to maintain this. Services have, as a result of the restrictions, had to become more creative and flexible in how they operate and meet the needs of the local population. There is a recognition that it is now crucial we learn from these experiences and put into place robust support for people as they navigate their own journey to a place of greater well-being. ‘Resilience’ funding has become available through Tees Esk and Wear Valley, (TEWV) in order to enhance existing VCSE service provision in the Tees Valley to meet this need. We would therefore like to invite bids for grants which will have a specific focus on recovery from the pandemic and which are designed to meet the particular needs of the local population; considering any gaps in existing services.
This fund is now open for applications, see below. It is a simple application process and our Darlington groups can apply for a minimum of £2,000 up to a maximum of £10,000. (Please note if you are an organisation operating in one of the other local authority areas of the Tees Valley this minimum and maximum level may be different or not exist at all. Contact details for the other areas are at the end of this brief.)
The deadline for receiving applications is by using the application form attached and returning via email to or by post to TVRA’s office address by Wednesday 21st July 2021 at 5pm
It is anticipated that the decision panel will meet on 26th July 2021 to consider applications received.
Please circulate to your networks If you have any queries please contact our office on (01642) 213852 where you will go straight to voicemail but please leave a message and either myself or Janice McColm will get back to you.
For further information on other areas the contacts are the following: StocktonCatalyst: Redcar RCVDA: Middlesbrough VDA: Hartlepool: Darlington:
The Youth Centre Recovery Fund has been established by Julia and Hans Rausing to help charities running youth centres to be able to survive and recover from the impact of Covid-19.
A total of £8 million is available to provide core funding for the costs of running youth centres and delivering youth work. Funding will cover the period from 1 April – 30 September 2021.
The aim is to ensure that youth centres remain viable and are able to re-open or continue to deliver services as the country emerges from Covid-19 restrictions. The pandemic and concomitant actions taken to combat it are likely to have a significant negative impact on young people’s mental health and life chances, especially those from less advantaged backgrounds. As such, it is critical that charities running youth clubs are able to continue to provide support and opportunities to young people.
Who Can Apply
The Fund is open to registered charities who run youth centres in England. They must offer youth services within a locality and operate out of a fixed space or venue. They should be at risk of being unable to re-open and resume services, of cutting provision, or of permanent closure for financial reasons by the end September 2021.
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