Month: March 2021
Census 2021 is in full swing in Tees Valley.
With March 21 literally around the corner, Census 2021 is in full swing in Tees Valley.
The letters, with your unique access codes, have all gone out and responses are already coming in.
“A successful census will help give the best picture of the needs of everyone living in England and Wales,” Iain Bell, deputy national statistician at the Office for National Statistics, said.
“It helps us understand what our society needs now and what it will likely need in the future. We’ve had a fantastic response so far, with so many of you completing the questionnaire on your laptops, phones and computers.
“It takes just 10 minutes per person to take part and if you can’t get online, there are paper forms available for those who need them. Now is the time to make your mark on history.”
Operating in line with the Government’s latest Covid-19 guidance, field officers will be deployed across the country to contact those who have not responded. They will offer help and advice to those who need it. They will also remind people that their census response is required by law.
This census is the most inclusive yet. Everyone can identify as they wish using search as you type online and write-in options on paper if they need it.
The questionnaire includes questions about your sex, age, work, health, education, household size and ethnicity. And, for the first time, there will be a question asking people whether they have served in the armed forces, as well as voluntary questions for those aged 16 and over on sexual orientation and gender identity.
Results will be available within 12 months, although personal records will be locked away for 100 years, kept safe for future generations.
To complete your census, and to find out how you can get help, please visit or call 0800 141 2021.
Multiverse Lab invites you find out what heath and social care issues matter most to our communities
Multiverse Lab: Zoom Social
11am on Thursday 15 April or 5pm on Thursday 6 May. FREE.
Book at
Come along to a fun, informal Zoom session to talk about all things health and wellbeing! This 1-hour session will introduce you to a North East project called Multiverse Lab. Multiverse Lab aims to ask 2,000 local people, “What is the health or social care breakthrough you hope to see in your lifetime?”
Multiverse Lab has been commissioned by health researchers including Newcastle University to find out what heath and social care issues matter most to our communities. They will use the findings to make sure that North East health research better reflects what matters to local people.
This is a chance to make your voice heard!
Book at
To find out more email
Loftus No Symptom COVID Test Centre Moving Location
From March 25, the test site will move to Loftus Fire Station, Coronation Rd, Loftus, TS13 4SW on the following days:
Monday: 8am – 12pm
Tuesday: 8am – 12pm
Thursday: 2pm – 6pm
Saturday: 9am – 1pm
Anyone over the age of 18 who does not have symptoms can take a quick and easy test to see if they have the virus. Most results are returned within 30 minutes.
Anyone wanting a test should book at or ring 01642 774774. Walk-in slots are also available.
Anyone displaying the following Coronavirus symptoms should not come to the site for a test:
- a new, continuous cough
- a high temperature; or
- a loss of, or change, in your sense of smell or taste.
If you have any of the symptoms listed above, you should follow the guidance online on how to book a test – – or call 119. Lines are open 7am to 11pm. You will also need to need to stay at home and self-isolate.
Youth Centre Recovery £8 Million Fund by Julia & Hans Rausing Trust
The Youth Centre Recovery Fund has been established by Julia and Hans Rausing to help charities running youth centres to be able to survive and recover from the impact of Covid-19.
A total of £8 million is available to provide core funding for the costs of running youth centres and delivering youth work. Funding will cover the period from 1 April – 30 September 2021.
The aim is to ensure that youth centres remain viable and are able to re-open or continue to deliver services as the country emerges from Covid-19 restrictions. The pandemic and concomitant actions taken to combat it are likely to have a significant negative impact on young people’s mental health and life chances, especially those from less advantaged backgrounds. As such, it is critical that charities running youth clubs are able to continue to provide support and opportunities to young people.
Who Can Apply
The Fund is open to registered charities who run youth centres in England. They must offer youth services within a locality and operate out of a fixed space or venue. They should be at risk of being unable to re-open and resume services, of cutting provision, or of permanent closure for financial reasons by the end September 2021.
The Youth Centre Recovery Fund from 52 Group on Vimeo. #FundingAlert #funding #youth #HereForYouthCentres
Covid-19 Impact Survey for Tees Valley Area
Residents across the region are being urged to complete a Covid-19 impact survey to help get region wide insight into the impact of the pandemic.
We recognise how difficult it has been for people to cope with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Please complete our survey to help us understand more about how your day-to-day life has been affected, including health and wellbeing, work, household finances, shopping, social and leisure activities. We are keen to hear your views on vaccination, the economy and the easing of lockdown restrictions and social distancing.
More info – Gateshead Council Consultations
NHS England Safeguarding app
NHS England Safeguarding app
The NHS Safeguarding app has been developed to act as a comprehensive resource for healthcare professionals, carers and citizens. It provides 24-hour, mobile access on up to date legislation and guidance across the safeguarding life course.
The app also provides information on how to report a safeguarding concern and even has a directory of safeguarding contacts for every local authority in England, searchable by region.
It can be accessed via Apple iOS, Google Play or it can be downloaded by visiting your device’s appropriate app store and searching for ‘NHS Safeguarding’.
Update on current advice/situation for village halls 8th March 2021
ACRE has issued new information to help village halls prepare for reopening. Our assessment is that contrary to the government’s announcement on 22 February, village halls will not be able to reopen after Easter, except for a small number of permitted activities. Most will have to wait until 17 May before they can be hired out for many functions including exercise classes, coffee mornings, performances and celebrations.
The update, should be read alongside previous advice and information issued by the charity which provided a detailed commentary on how village halls could previously reopen following the government’s Covid Secure rules
Skelton Townscape Heritage Project – Final Evaluation Survey
The final evaluation is taking place for the Skelton Townscape Heritage Project regarding the uplift on Skelton High Street through the National Heritage Lottery funded project. Last time the survey was conducted, we had face to face interviews on the High Street, but as we can’t do that with the restrictions currently in place, there is an online survey available. Please would you take a few minutes to complete the survey and feedback your thoughts?
The survey can be accessed via the link
There is also a separate survey for business owners but they will be contacted directly.