We have also been working alongside our umbrella body ACRE (Action with Communities in Rural England) as part of a national steering group to produce guidance for the reopening of community buildings post COVID-19 closure. The latest versions of these guides can be downloaded below:

Information Sheet – Re-opening Village and Community Halls post COVID-19 closure updated 20/07/20

Sample COVID-19 Risk Assessment for re-opening Village and Community Halls updated 20/07/20

Sample Risk Assessment for Hirers updated 20/07/20

On 30th June the Government released their ‘Guidance for the safe use of multi-purpose community facilities’ document which can be accessed here

This guidance has been produced to support organisations to consider their legal responsibilities under Health and Safety Law and the Health Protection legislation. It outlines the current thinking on managing the safe reopening of community buildings for specific activities.

Contact Us
If you would like to discuss your organisation’s circumstances with us, or would like to talk through any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
If you have been working directly with our Village Hall Advisor Janice McColm  you can contact them in the usual ways or email and your enquiry will be directed to a member of the team.

East Cleveland Villages Big Local – Next Steps and Plan moving forward

A big Hello to you from Jeanette and Kevin,             

We have been asked by East Cleveland Villages Big Local to work with people living in the partnership area to help develop the next plan. We want to introduce ourselves and get your permission for some two-way communication.

Jeanette has worked in the East Cleveland Area previously and is delighted to be back. She has 35+ years of experience in Community Development and has been a volunteer in her own communities since the age of 14. A Scot by birth she has been settled in the North East for the past 18 years. Kevin has worked in International Development and in Community roles in Teesside over the past 15 years. He has a passion for resident led projects and loves to see increased confidence when local people get involved.

Big Local, was launched in 2010, funded by the Big Lottery Fund and managed by Local Trust, whose aim was and is to support YOU, to lead on creating lasting change in YOUR communities. The vision was to bring together local people with talent, ambitions, skills and energy who want to make their area an even better place to live. There is support for areas to also work with a range of partners, groups and organisations who can help you put your plans into action.

There have been a couple of plans since 2013 and you will no doubt remember such as the Klondike Cycle Race which takes in the 11 Big Local Areas, the Routes to Employment which is funded by East Cleveland Big Local and the Scarecrow Festival which has also received financial support. There has been a whopping £133,645.50 granted to local community groups/developments across the 11 areas over the last 3 or 4 years including local Brownie and Guide Groups, Allotments, Village Notice Boards, Luncheon clubs and different seasonal events.

However, it is now time to develop your final plan and colleagues from Social Enterprise Acumen and Tees Valley Rural Action have already started this process by finding out what local areas want. Following this we want to be in contact with local people who want to work with us helping to guide us in the development and direction of this plan.
We know you have been active in your community and would like your permission to make direct contact with you.

Please click here on the link to fill out your contact details and answer the 4 questions.

We look forward to working with you
Jeanette and Kevin