East Cleveland Good Neighbours – Job Advert – Catering Coordinator

East Cleveland Good Neighbours has been operating since March and we are now looking to develop a sustainable plan to secure its long-term future.  The caring and supporting ethos of East Cleveland Good Neighbours is clearly visible and this is the opportunity for the right person to help us to keep this vital service to continue.

Are you community minded, organised, like cooking and looking for a short-term challenge?

If so, then you could be the one we are looking for to fill a 12 week temporary contract opportunity as our Catering Coordinator.

If you are interested, please read the Job Description and Person Specification for further information.

Applications are by CV and a covering letter explaining why you are the right person for the role of Catering Coordinator to info@teesvalleyruralaction.co.uk

The closing date is 12 noon Friday 21st August 2020.

ECGN job description 10082020



Due to a change in government guidance, users of #VillageHalls will need to wear face coverings from 8 August. Some activities that would normally happen in gyms and dance studios are exempt.

If in doubt people, please contact our village halls adviser Janice McCollm.

#ACRE will be updating our information sheet for village halls early next week to reflect this change.

Tees Valley Rural Action Show Us Your Graden Competition

Tees Valley Rural Action Show Us Your Gardens Competition

What a year, people stuck at home during lockdown and holidays cancelled, our gardens have been a haven for stress relief, relaxation, and enjoyment.

No one has been able to visit public gardens or enjoy the towns and villages in bloom competitions, so TVRA supported by the National Lottery have decided that we will host a lockdown garden competition.

Whether you have a garden, balcony, or just a window box, vegetables or flowers we want to see how your outdoor space has brought you joy during lockdown for the chance to win an amazing prize.

Please see the attached flyer for information on how to enter. Good luck and happy gardening.