Tees Valley Volunteering Charter launched as Volunteers’ Week 2022 comes to a close

Tees Valley Volunteering Charter launched

Volunteers across Tees Valley can be assured that they will have a great experience, as a new Volunteering Charter is launched.

Tens of thousands of people take on voluntary roles across Tees Valley every year, making a huge contribution to the welfare of their communities, whilst having an enjoyable and rewarding time. The Tees Valley Volunteering Charter can be adopted by organisations which deploy volunteers, and demonstrates their commitment to ensuring that volunteers are safe, valued, and that they undertake meaningful tasks which make a real difference to their communities.

The Charter has been developed  by the Tees Valley Infrastructure Partnership (TVIP), a group of voluntary sector bodies which provide advice, support and a voice for the thousands of voluntary community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations in the region.

Jon Carling, Chief Executive of Catalyst, which supports the VCSE sector in Stockton-on-Tees, said ‘The aim of the Charter is to enable our partner organisations to demonstrate to volunteers that they will have a safe, enjoyable and rewarding experience’.

Mark Davis, Chief Executive of Middlesbrough Voluntary Development Agency, added ‘volunteers tell us all the time how much they enjoy volunteering. They make such a difference to the lives of local people, and add a lot of value to the economy too. Organisations which sign up to the Charter will be showing a real commitment to supporting our volunteers’.

Developed by the Tees Valley Infrastructure Partnership (TVIP) the Charter gives volunteers across the Tees Valley assurance that their volunteering experience will be as positive and worthwhile as possible.

The Charter does not provide set criteria for how organisations ensure the quality of their volunteering offer, but provides a list of statements, which they pledge to work towards in their volunteering practice.

This gives volunteers the confidence that they are valued and supported but allows organisations the flexibility to apply the Charter statements in a way that suits them.

Organisations will be invited to sign up to the Charter from 1st July 2022, and will receive a Charter pack, including a suite of suggested examples to help develop, embed, and uphold good practice.

For the Darlington area to sign up to the Charter or for any further information please contact TVRA’s Business Development Manager, Julie Thornton at info@teesvalleyruralaction.co.uk or 01642213852.

For other areas please contact:-

Hartlepool – Hartlepower -Tracy.Harvey@hartlepool.gov.uk

Middlesbrough – MVDA – Lesley.spaven@mvdauk.org.uk

Redcar & Cleveland – RCVDA – carole.marshall@rcvda.org.uk

Stockton – Catalyst – lucy.owens@catalyststockton.org

Tees Esk and Wear Valley NHS Foundation Trust – Mental Health Resilience Funding Opportunity

TEWV- Mental Health Resilience Funding Opportunity

The impact of the COVID pandemic on our mental health and emotional well-being is becoming increasingly evident.  Across the lifespan, we are seeing heightened rates of anxiety and low mood amongst the population.  Many people have been living in fear of contracting the virus; and feelings of anxiety surrounding re-engaging with community life are understandable and very normal.  For those who have been significantly unwell as a result of contracting COVID themselves or have lost a loved one to the virus, we may see specific trauma responses.  Loneliness, social isolation and the lack of freedom and meaningful activity that the lockdowns have caused has posed challenges to our emotional well-being.  Those amongst us who experienced pre-existing mental or physical health difficulties may have found that these have been exacerbated due to the pandemic; with those who have significant vulnerability, multiple disadvantage or living in abusive environments perhaps most at risk.

The pandemic has caused many of us to reflect on our own emotional well-being and what helps us to maintain this.  Services have, as a result of the restrictions, had to become more creative and flexible in how they operate and meet the needs of the local population.  There is a recognition that it is now crucial we learn from these experiences and put into place robust support for people as they navigate their own journey to a place of greater well-being.  ‘Resilience’ funding has become available through Tees Esk and Wear Valley, (TEWV) in order to enhance existing VCSE service provision in the Tees Valley to meet this need.  We would therefore like to invite bids for grants which will have a specific focus on recovery from the pandemic and which are designed to meet the particular needs of the local population; considering any gaps in existing services.

This fund is now open for applications, see below.  It is a simple application process and our Darlington groups can apply for a minimum of £2,000 up to a maximum of £10,000.  (Please note if you are an organisation operating in one of the other local authority areas of the Tees Valley this minimum and maximum level may be different or not exist at all.  Contact details for the other areas are at the end of this brief.)

Applicants must consider the criteria outlined in the attached pdf document, ‘Resilience Funding Tees Valley Overview’. Resilience Funding Tees Valley overview FINAL 10062021

The deadline for receiving applications is by using the application form attached and returning via email to info@teesvalleyruralaction.co.uk or by post to TVRA’s office address by Wednesday 21st July 2021 at 5pm

Darlington TEWV Application Form

It is anticipated that the decision panel will meet on 26th July 2021 to consider applications received.

Please circulate to your networks If you have any queries please contact our office on (01642) 213852 where you will go straight to voicemail but please leave a message and either myself or Janice McColm will get back to you.

For further information on other areas the contacts are the following:
Stockton Catalyst: Karen.grundy@catalyststockton.org
Redcar RCVDA: mike@rcvda.org.uk
Middlesbrough VDA: mark.davis@mvdauk.org.uk
Hartlepool: Leigh.Keeble@hartlepool.gov.uk
Darlington: info@teesvalleyruralaction.co.uk

Tees Valley Rural Action Rural Garden Competition Winners Announced

Tees Valley Rural Action, (TVRA) would like to thank everyone for entering our Rural Garden Competition.

The judging was done by Ben Houchen, Tees Valley Mayor, who did tell us he had a very difficult time choosing the winners. We thank him for taking the time to judge your amazing photographs.

We can now announce the winners as follows:

  • 1st Prize Barbara Irvine from Elwick, Hartlepool
  • 2nd Prize Brian Chapman from Thornton, Middlesbrough
  • 3rd Prize Clare Wren from Stainton, Middlesbrough

The three winners will receive a wonderful canvas of their photograph, and a garden centre voucher. The first 1st prize will feature in TVRA’s Rural Evidence Report due to be published in early 2021.

Rita Lawson, TVRA’s, Chief Executive commented, “During COVID 19 our gardens and yard spaces have become our place of sanctuary, allowing us to enjoy a safe and happy space.  We are thankful you have taken the time to share with us and showcase Tees Valley in all its summer glory.  This pandemic has impacted on everyone in some way shape or form, and we have been truly blessed to be able to glimpse into your spaces which have played a part in lifting, not only your emotional wellbeing but also ours at TVRA, and keeping us all connected.”

We hope you enjoy the video of our 3 winners, Everyone is a winning entry in our eyes and we will showcase more of the fantastic entries in the coming weeks.

Don’t forget to keep in touch please like our social media channels and subscribe to our newsletter on the home page. #raisingtheruralvoice

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