Darlington Safeguarding Partnership Protecting Children and Adults

What is Darlington Safeguarding Partnership?

Darlington Safeguarding Partnership (DSP) was established in accordance with the Children Act 2004 (as amended by Children and Social Work Act 2017) and Chapter 3 Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018.

Safeguarding responsibilities are placed on police, health and local authorities to work together to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.  The three organisations have equal responsibility for setting out the safeguarding arrangements in Darlington.

Although the statutory guidance is applicable for child safeguarding, the Statutory Safeguarding Partners in Darlington agreed the arrangements will cover Child and Adult Safeguarding arrangements.

The new arrangements provide a greater opportunity of strengthening partnership working across adults and children, ensuring everyone in Darlington can live their lives, safely.

Within the following website you will discover information for reporting a concern for both adults and children, training opportunities and advice and guidance

Darlington Safeguarding Board – Home (darlington-safeguarding-partnership.co.uk)

Training opportunities for Registered Charities and Voluntary Community Groups.  There are no charges for registered charities or Voluntary Community groups within the Borough of Darlington. Unless they book a place and do not attend without prior cancellation.

For more information please click on this link Darlington Safeguarding Board – Training Programme (darlington-safeguarding-partnership.co.uk)

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