East Cleveland Villages Big Local

  • Project Date: September 2, 2013
  • Project Duration: 10 years
  • Funded By: Local Trust

Community aim to rasie awareness of East Cleveland as a place to live, work and visit.

East Cleveland Villages

Eleven rural communities in East Cleveland are working together through Big Local to improve opportunities and facilities within the area.
East Cleveland Villages have now had their Big Local plan endorsed by Local Trust.  
Through Big Local they aim to contribute to the sustainability of the area. Drawing on its rich heritage which includes fossils from the Jurassic period, the archaeological remains of the Saxon princess, the historic alum and ironstone mines and workings. This will provide a chance for a range of new and existing groups and individuals to grow and flourish.
The group see this as an investment which will enable them to share their heritage with visitors and a means to attracting jobs, local business and loads more local activity for the benefit of the community.

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